Thursday, July 7, 2011



a theory or system of social organization  that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole

Thanks to conservatives and FOX news the term socialism has been demonized to the point where whoever utters it will be immediately looked upon as a treasonous bastard who's mouth and tongue should be melted with an iron poker shaped as the American eagle, because no good self-respecting American would ever believe in their government and that it could possibly do anything right or help them. See this is the land of the free and the home of the rich as fuck, and everybody else should be rich and if their not that's their own lazy asses fault and they should go fuck themselves instead of asking for a handout from my damn taxes. I don't know if you lazy fucks notice this but only the rich people make this world go round and only the rich people are hard working and they shouldn't have to pay for your social security, medicare, health insurance, welfare or even your socialist communist fricking unemployment insurance, because honestly who the fuck told you to work somewhere that will go out of business or that you could be fired (smh you dumbass you should have been a hedge fund guy or bank CEO, cuz their fucking awesome). 

I'm not saying I'm a socialist because I'm not, but I do think some of the concepts fit very well within our society. Here's the deal no one in this country makes money on their own, where they should not have to pay their fair share, and if you make a lot of money it's made off of the backs of a lot of people. While in the case of the wall street guys they make money by lying, cheating, and stealing other people's hard earned money (I know I'm explaining this in an overly simplistic way). The point being is that someone who makes a lot of money off of simply moving other people's money around is not someone who creates jobs nor do they deserve major tax breaks. The way this society works is when you as a person accumulate wealth, you then have a responsibility to help the have nots. Simple things like health care, necessary health care like physicals, and rehab when you break or tear something, and education those type of things will help make us a better society as a whole and if you make more than a billion dollars in a year 40 to 50% income tax on that money is not unreasonable. 

You know why I say that, because there is not one reasonable argument that can explain why one human being doing one job is worth 1 billion dollars in one year. Honestly unless your curing AIDS, world hunger, or ending all wars and conflicts at the same time you have no legitimate argument. Now that's where socialism comes in because the main concept is for the most part very simple you live in a society you benefit by being in the society and you essentially agree to the terms that because you have received benefits i.e. a lucrative pay, safe streets, fire department, clean food & water. For those things the group (government) decides and accepts part of your exorbitant pay and re-apply's that back into the society and group to continue to improve the community. I'm not saying the government should control private businesses, honestly I don't think the government should have anything to do with businesses at all as far as creation and product design goes. BUT I do think the government and contrary to popular belief have for the most part done a very good job at protecting and taking care of most people in our society. 

So my solution is simple the government does what it's designed for and does best and business does what it does best. Government for the people, business for the money. Business you make as much money as you can so that the Government can tax you properly and make policy which benefits the people and not the businesses. Negative tax rates(when a company pays no taxes and the IRS gives them a refund still) for our most profitable companies, 15% tax rates (capital gains) for our most successful people on money that they essentially didn't work to earn is not benefiting the group. Don't believe me? Just look at the state of our nation and economy, we've tried it been there done that. OK rich people you've got enough 1% of the nation owns 34% of the wealth in America while the bottom 90% owns 27% of the wealth in our country.

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