Everybody, I believe has had that day or week or even year, where you think "shit, what else can go wrong". Those times fucking suck, no matter the magnitude of what the issues that are happening whether it be a hard work week, family issues, money problems or just silly ass relationship issues. They stress you out they dominate your thoughts, they distract you and they even cause actual physical illness and pains. Also the issues always beg the question "why the fuck is this happening to me", well I have a theory and I don't think many of you will like it but if you know me, you know I wouldn't be myself if I didn't say what I felt so fuck it here it goes. God likes kicking people in the nuts, he really enjoys giving unsuspecting nuts a fantastic crotch shot.
I know, I know, most of you have this benevolent all knowing, all loving theory about God but I, well let's just say I disagree. How can I say that? where is my evidence? Oh..well thank you for asking and please let me explain. My first and simplest answer is are you fucking paying attention to the shitty ass world we live in? How many people do you know who are struggling to survive? I would imagine you know a few, I definitely do, myself included. Life is hard for a lot of good people and easy and fun for a lot of huge smelly cock faces (George Bush, Paris Hilton I could go on & on). You may say well that's not God's fault he gives us free will. Ah well that solves it he gave us free will that just proves that every bad shitty thing that happens in your life is all your fault, wait though let's think about that for a second.
Free will is at it's best contingent on a few things, at its worst just an illusion that makes everyone feel better. Free will is limited to you either being alone or stronger, smarter or faster than the obstacle that can possibly prevent you from doing what you want to do. My analogy is simple I want to be a millionaire but free will by itself will not allow me to do that. I either have to have a skill set to gain that monetary success or be lucky enough to have a parent to pass that money on to me I can't just decide hey I want a million dollars I'm gonna go into my bank account and change my account balance to 1 million. I know it's an over simplified example but my point is I may have the free will to pursue that money but I do not have the free will to just get it, and that is the limitation of free will. You may say well that's not free will but well then your just playing with the definitions and manipulating the words to make it benefit your argument. Free will is only free when your directly dealing with yourself, so if you want to be gay or dance the Macarena all day then hey do it until you pass out. The second you add another human being into that equation your percentages of doing what you want drops dramatically. Then by the truest form of the definition your will isn't quite as free.
So the free will debate will go on and on but we all know deep down unless your some kind of billionaire or a genius evil sociopath you don't really have free will. Another argument against God and his love for nut shots is that He doesn't actually cause these bad things to happen to us. It was because of Adam and Eve or better known as just plain and simple human nature. BINGO!!! wait no not bingo, if it is plain old human nature to cause harm or sadness to each other where exactly did our human nature come from? Don't you believe in this all powerful, all knowing, all loving, all controlling creator? Well if he did create us, wouldn't it mean that by the same reasoning that he created our negative parts of humanity? And don't give me that devil shit 'cuz that just contradicts all kinds of things about God. Mainly his all powerfulness and benevolence, if there was an actual real life douche bag devil going around fucking shit up for his favorite creations God would have two options, A.) destroy the annoyance or B.) alter the devils way of thinking instead of tolerating his douche baggery. If there was a devil and he is allowed to mess things up it really just proves my point even more that God thoroughly enjoys the nut shot and he likes watching the devil wreak havoc.
See when you believe in a one God it all comes back to him or her, there is no yin and yang no counter balance or opposites attracting. There is just the one source and everything comes from that source. The concept of the devil or free will doesn't really jive with the thought of One all knowing, powerful, loving God. See in order for the devil to survive he would either have to be just as powerful or allowed to survive, and there are too many people with too many negative selfish intentions for free will to be absolute. This is where my thoughts on this actually come from. God likes it this way. Maybe he's rooting for us to do well maybe he wants to see us overcome and he enjoys watching us, but he's definitely not to put out when we don't. I believe if there is a God his biggest response is " aww you almost made enough money to not have your house foreclosed on, tsk tsk too bad, well now you got to live on the street, how you gonna get out of that?"
Sure it would seem that my thoughts dark and a lot less hopeful than yours, it also makes me more of a believer in myself and the strength of myself. I believe people have the power to overcome on their own, without having to beg God for assistance. As soon as you get out the belief that this is in his plan and that somehow it'll be ok, you don't have to fight back, because your a good person and your going to heaven it will be perfect then, our society will be greatly improved. Fuck that I'm not waiting for heaven I'm here now on this earth and I want a good life here I want to enjoy this time here. Honestly it's all I know I've never been to heaven nor have I ever met someone who has. So I'll put my faith in my ability to appreciate this life I was given and this heavenly place that has so much possibility and beauty in it. If that happens then maybe we'll stop allowing people like George Bush, Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin, and Rush Limbaugh from manipulating us into believing that their supposed to be millionaires and we're not because of other poor people holding us down. So to all my God believers out there stop accepting those nut shots as the way it's supposed to be, understand that God is not picking favorites he probably doesn't care either way, he's just enjoying the show.
If there even is a God, we're more like ants in an ant farm than his children that he/she loves. I don't know about you but most parents I know go overboard with protecting their children from calamity. They will do any and everything to make sure their children are happy and enjoying life. That's why we have so many celebutantes nowadays and we've had all through out history these dynastic families who only pass their wealth on to their children. If god was our "father/mother" He would've made this world a certified Utopia and we all would be happy and enjoying our lives, because most parents just can't resist spoiling and believing they've provided the best they could for their kids, and you mean to tell me the all powerful God who thinks of us as his children wouldn't use his powers to make things perfect for us?!?!?!? Only once we lived our life perfectly then we can reach this perfect land in the sky?
Why even bother making it that way unless he enjoys watching the perfectly timed nut shot right when you don't need it. So either we need to re-assess how we perceive god (like maybe he doesn't care like you think), or and you may want to sit down for this, but maybe just maybe it's just us here and what happens in your life is solely based off of you and your fellow man (ok, ok settle down Christians I know your going insane in front of your laptops right now spitting & frothing at the mouth calling me all kinds of blasphemous names). It's really just a thought that maybe there is no big puppet master in the sky and we need to strap on our cups, nut up and make this place better for all of us, and stop being stupid allowing fat fucks like Limbaugh and the Koch brothers from manipulating us by playing on our silly ass antiquated fears. Seriously it's time to grow up America.